



A business administration degree is a valuable commodity in all manner of business environments—public or private, 盈利性或非盈利性, 大或小.

建立在会计业务基础上, 市场营销, 金融, 经济学, 人力资源, 信息系统, 管理, 组织行为学, the business administration degree curriculum is enriched through practical applications, 全球视角, 指导老师, 协作团队.

你是否想成为一名公司经理, 项目领导, 或者一个创新的企业家, 你可以在亚洲博彩平台获得工商管理学位. Here you’ll develop a strong background in business and get 实践经验 in modern 管理 strategies and best practices.

All accounting classes are approved by the Florida State Board of Accountancy for credit toward the requirements to take the CPA exam.


Business Administration students explore business startup as their Major Field Practicum experience in 亚洲博彩平台’s Student Business Incubator—a living, 新企业创造的呼吸中心.

孵化器结合课程, 设施, 和专业知识,让学生完全沉浸在一个学期的精益启动平台项目中. 这个创业“新兵训练营”促使学生们与客户交谈, 供应商, 以及战略合作伙伴,因为他们在收集资源, 开发商业模式, 开展他们的业务. You are paired with highly skilled executive entrepreneurs who help you develop prototypes, 筹集风险资本, 成为一名成功的企业家.

学生 who showcase innovative business ideas may be asked to join the Student Business Incubator. This program provides necessary resources and guidance to nurture student business ideas into real business ventures. 通过批判性思维和创新, students have the chance to experience business outside of the classroom and business administration internships.


Student may chose an area of specialization to add depth to their studies as they pursue their MBA. 的 international business specialization provides managers with the skill set and knowledge necessary to lead organizations in today’s competitive and increasingly globalized workplace.


现在的企业经理不仅要有经商的本领, 还要有出色的组织和沟通能力, 以及该领域的最新知识. 亚洲博彩平台的学生将:

  • 为新成立的公司或小企业制定商业计划
  • 通过我们的实习项目,将学术与商业实践相结合
  • 从全球视角学习商业和管理实践
  • 与不同的国际学生一起学习
  • 与成功的企业家和经理讨论商业问题

项目文化支持个人创造力, 领导, 和团队建设, 同时促进道德决策和多样性. 的 program has many opportunities that help you graduate into a flourishing business administration career after graduation.


内森M号. Bisk College of Business is dedicated to educating leaders to make thoughtful decisions, 设定高标准, 促进企业问责制. Undergraduate students tackle ethical challenges from both practical and professional perspectives in an annual competition, 并且可以参加一个鼓励学生从商业中学习的会议, 社区, 以及政府领导人.

学生通过实践项目学习企业社会责任, 和个人服务,以产生影响的角度.

Global 管理 program students also hone their 金融 and international business skills through competitions, 包括:

  • 战略管理校际案例竞赛
  • 的 Cadillac Case Competition, where 亚洲博彩平台 students placed fourth among 53 universities
  • ANGA大学能源挑战赛
  • 本田CRZ社交营销挑战赛
  • 佛罗里达国民警卫队晋升挑战赛

除了, business administration students have worked with the university’s Women’s Business Center, 基于活动的全面问责制, and local industry leaders such as the Technological 研究 Development Authority and 清渠户外.


亚洲博彩平台是攻读工商管理MBA的理想场所. 的 130-acre campus is located on the Space Coast (so named because of the presence of 美国国家航空航天局 and the 肯尼迪航天中心 on Cape Canaveral just north of us), 距离印度河泻湖只有几分钟的路程, 北美最多样化的河口.

该地区拥有全国第五大高科技劳动力, 5人以上,000家高科技公司和政府及军事机构坐落在附近. 这些劳动力也提供了大量的实习和就业机会.

亚洲博彩平台 is just over the causeway from the Atlantic Ocean with its 72 miles of beautiful beaches, 还有去佛罗里达群岛或奥兰多主题公园的短途旅行. We also have a rich campus life that includes a wide range of intramural and collegiate sports, 俱乐部, 还有社会活动.


课堂之外, business administration degree majors build 领导 experience through exciting internships and participation in academic organizations like the Society for Advancement of Management, 学生会, 以及其他100多个学生组织.

Delta Mu Delta is a business honor society that seeks to recognize academic excellence, 建立世界各地商科学生之间的联系, and create networking opportunities for business administration internships during college (and careers after college).



的re’s no better way to learn about the field of business administration than to become a part of it. Our students have this opportunity in the form of business administration internships at a variety of companies and organizations, 包括:

  • 太空海岸信用社
  • 中央情报局
  • 美林(Merrill Lynch)
  • 国营农场

的se business administration internships are valuable assets for students looking to get their foot in the door in the business industries that may later provide them with a career.


亚洲博彩平台 business administration students also take part in a comprehensive business practicum that allows them to perform a “live case analysis” on a business of their choosing. 的 major field practicum links academics and business practices in the workplace by combining business administration internships with roundtable discussions, 每周总结报告和演示. 它架起了课堂学习和现实世界之间的桥梁, 轻松实现从商科学生到行业专业人士的过渡. 学生学习他们选择的组织是如何运作的, 并获得解决问题和决策过程的实际见解. 这些业务包括:

  • 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司
  • 清渠户外
  • 美国国家航空航天局
  • 肯尼迪航天中心


A graduate of the Florida Institute of Technology with a degree in Business Administration is ideally suited for a variety of business administration careers. 的 business administration graduate possesses a solid background in the science of 管理, 获得各种商业学科的相关技能, 并建立了一个实用的投资组合, 实践经验.

有了这样的教育基础, 我们的毕业生准备立即开始工商管理职业生涯或, 如果需要, 毕业后从事商业工作, 法律, 或相关学科.


Employers that have recruited 亚洲博彩平台 students for internships and careers include Clear Channel Communications, 美林(Merrill Lynch), 企业租车, 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司.


Graduates of 亚洲博彩平台’s business administration program are prepared for a career in 信息系统, 经济学, 金融, 和市场营销. 事实上, 工商管理的职业是如此的多样化,以至于它们存在于私营企业中, 非营利组织, 政府和监管机构, 体育组织.

是否担任501(c)(3)公司的经理, 环境服务公司的商业分析师, 获得了法律学位, 公司内部法律顾问, 工商管理职业涵盖了广泛的就业机会. 就业 of administrative services managers is expected to grow 15% from 2010 to 2020.

职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局发布, 提供数百个职业的详细信息, 包括, 初级教育, 整体工作环境, 就业前景. 根据统计局, employment in business administration is expected to grow about as fast as the average of other occupations in the marketplace.



  • 代理
  • 业务经理
  • 采购商及采购代理
  • 预算分析
  • 市场研究分析师和营销专家
  • 薪酬、福利和职业分析专家
  • 会计师或审计师(接受过额外教育)
  • 业务运营专员
  • 信贷顾问
  • 金融专家
  • 经济学家
  • 运筹学分析师
  • 后勤人员
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